Easy Self-Care Ideas on a Budget

Relaxing bed for self-care sunday reset

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The Ultimate List of Self-Care Ideas & Reset Checklist

Life can be overwhelming and busy, especially during the holiday season. Are you feeling uneasy with the amount of socializing or fast paced days that are about to come? There is no better time to check in with yourself then right now! One of my favorite rituals is a “Sunday Reset”. You can pick a day of the week and schedule sometime to take care of yourself. One important thing about self-care is that it is important for a balanced life and also doesn’t need to be expensive. There are many different things you can do to care of yourself that are virtually free.

As a new mom, I can find myself fizzling out near the weekend. My partner works fulltime and by the time Friday rolls around, I want to chill and hang out with my family. Watch a movie, maybe make some pizza? Then we usually have an action packed weekend following. Whether we are checking out a local Christmas market, going out into nature, or having a meal with friends, it always seems we are on the go! As special as these moments are, I find myself by the end of the weekend, exhausted. I am an introverted person by nature and crave alone time. This is why it is so important to schedule a “Sunday Reset” and follow some easy self-care ideas.

One of the things I look out for is mental and physical exhaustion. As other moms will know, having a baby is the perfect storm for both these things. Whether it is the lack of sleep, bodily changes, or unmanageable list of uncompleted tasks, you can really run yourself down. As the saying goes, you must fill your cup first. When I feel myself wearing out, I use my 3 step Sunday self-care reset plan.

The 3 STEP

Sunday Self-Care Plan

Step 1

get Clean

  • Bath
  • Beauty
  • Bed

Step 2

Get comfy

  • Sweatpants
  • Cozy Spot
  • Socks

Step 3

Get creative

  • Read
  • Draw
  • Knit

Step 1:

To start off things right, a bath is needed! I have the world’s smallest clawfoot tub, but I make it work. Light some of your favorite candles and add some bubble bath. I use a bubble bath that can be used for myself and also my baby. I love the ambiance of candles sticks. If you are feeling wild, maybe a little bath bomb?! I know as a busy mom, it almost seems impossible to squeeze in this time, but try to coordinate with a partner or family member to have this alone time.

One golden rule for Self-care Sunday is NO PHONE!!! This is your time to unwind. Put that ole mobile device on the chargeskee! One exception, if you are playing an audiobook (audible is my go to, I am currently listening to “The God of the Woods” by Liz Moore- very into it, so far) or listening to a playlist. Place the device out of reach. If baths aren’t your jam, have a long shower! Having a bath or shower is so important for self-care. It can literally wash away the week.

Post bath follow your regular nighttime skincare routine. I also make sure to refresh my bed with clean sheets, so I have a lovely cozy bed to slip into.

Bath Essentials

Shop MY favorites

Step 2:

Step two is the time for getting cozy! Put on your favorite sweat pant outfit or pajamas. I buy my my sweats from American Tall because I am a very lengthy lady. Nothing worse than ankle bitter sweats, we need full length people! I also love putting on a pair of reading socks. Whoever invented these socks is a total genius. Once the outfit is secured, I like to whip my hair into a quick French braid to get it off my face. Then I head to my bedroom, turn on a dim lamp. Then get the bed ready for some chill time. During the winter, one major cozy factor is flannel sheets. I absolutely love a warm flannel sheet set to tuck into. Make yourself a cup of tea, light a candle, and just relax. Whether it is watching an episode of a show, a quick meditation, or listening to a podcast (currently listening to “Missing in Arizona”), this is your “you time”.

Cozy Finds

Shop my Favorites

Step 3:

The most important step of this routine is step 3! This it time to unwind through some sort of creative outlet. It cannot include your phone! You can read, do art, or even knit! My current outlet for easy self-care is sewing little things for my baby. I am making an advent calendar for Christmas with little hand sewn stockings. It is the perfect thing to unwind from the week. This step is really all about something that feeds the soul. Whatever that is for you, do it. It can even be simple journaling, Also, try something new, if you don’t feel like you have anything you really love to get creative with.


I hope reading this post has inspired you to take a little time out of your week for yourself! Self-care doesn’t need to be complicate or expensive. Its the simple things that can really help to make you feel better. Remember this three step easy self-care routine is all about flexibility. If you only have 15 minutes for Step 3, make the minutes count!

The next time you are feeling a sense of overwhelm or exhaustion remember this simple 3 step routine. Taking care of yourself, helps you to be the best version of yourself. If you have any awesome self-care tips or essentials, would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

-Domay Pie

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